A lot of things have changed since I blogged in May and I will keep it short and without drama :D
We are now a family of 5, Craig, Lauren, Blair, little Jack and I.
Alan left the family at the begining of June.
We are doing fine and had our usual holiday in St Andrews making lots of new memories and were very lucky with the weather.
I've been to tons of crops since I last blogged but don't seem to have produced much (this sounds familiar) and plan to change this as of Sunday when I'm cropping in Stirling . . if I make it there .. . that's a whole other story lol >>>>>
Last Friday I hurt my back and have SI joint dysfunction !!! The pain has been terrible and I've been doped up to the max since then. Fortunately, I'm feeling much better today and think all the various pills and gels are now working :D
I had the most wonderful weekend down in Debden at the beginning of the month with some amazing friends and I travelled with my good friend Izzy. Have already booked for next year ;)
Onward and upward has to be the motto for this year and I intend to keep it going . I have the support of my loving family and wonderful friends . . what more can I ask
chat soon
Val xxx