Thursday 4 November 2010


I eventually had my consultation with my neurologist today, I say eventually as the hospital is a maze of buildings and I didn't have a clue where I was going! The pouring rain and fading light didn't help matters lol

I don't know yet if my brain is bigger than a golf ball BUT I do know that I now have "vertigo" to add to my long list of health problems AND parts of my left arm are numb !!!! I've got to laugh though as it's not life threatening and I'll just keep popping even more pills.

My MRI has been booked for a few weeks ahead and I think they are going to give me a complete overhaul . . .I'm sure I heard one of the docs say . . . . we have the technology, we can make her better, faster and stronger . . .LOL

I am ashamed to admit that I left the hospital after having blood taken and forgot my sister Isy who was sitting patiently in the waiting room OOPS . . I did remember about her eventually and went back . lol

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad the wheels are now in motion for your MOT. Hopefully they can get to the root of the problem and the pain hunny cos this has gone on far too long. xxx